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Infant Jesus of Prague

Infant Jesus of Prague (10058-) (0,00", ?)
cm-inch 7 - 2,76
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The statue of the Infant of Prague represents the boy Jesus and comes from southern Spain. The original is made of wood and wax and dates back to the seventeenth century. It was brought to Bohemia by MarĂ­a Manrique de Lara when she travelled there to marry the Czechoslovakian nobleman Vratislav of Pernstein. It was later donated to the barefoot Carmelites at the Saint Mary of Victory Convent in Prague, in the Mala Strana neighbourhood. It is purported to have worked diverse miracles, which include saving the city during an attack by Swedes. During another attack in 1631, the statue was damaged but restored a few years later. In 1655, a crown of gold was placed on its head by the bishop of Prague and starting in 1747 it was dressed in hand-embroidered robes.
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